Our customer Women’s Community Matters were desperate for 4 laptops to help another 4 of their staff continue to support women and young people who are currently at home and in need of help and support and our IT Business Development Manager Grahame Jackson provided an excellent service.

Rebecca Robson left this excellent review which is below on the Women’s community matters blog

Grahame Jackson was my favourite person today.Me this morning, “Grahame, I need 4 laptops, preferably in the next hour”.Normally this would not be a problem for any supplier who would be very happy to supply such goods (and probably charge extra for the ‘rush job’).Today Grahame said, “Oh!”  What he meant was, “You have to be joking, they are currently as available as hen’s teeth”.Me, “it is so more of our staff can carry on working from home! And I have another 4 things on my list I need!”

20 minutes later, Grahame calls, “I have reserved you 4 laptops.  I am not sure how I found them and they are within your budget and the price of them is not inflated (apparently some stockists are inflating their prices because they are in such demand)”. Me, “Yippee!”